Turn Uncertainty to Your Competitive Advantage

If the last few years have taught us nothing else, they have taught us that our lives, our businesses, our health – things can change in a moment's notice. And every year, the pace of change seems to get faster, the challenges seem to get bigger and the marketplace becomes even more uncertain.

Inclusivity Is More Than Just a Word

Inclusion is often just a word used in businesses with little meaning. It is either a box companies check or a buzzword they use for recruiting. But what does it mean to practice inclusivity and make a conscious effort to have a diverse workforce? It all starts with a discussion.

Business Trend: What Your Employees are Thinking

Clint Pulver is an author and keynote speaker around the globe. He wrote “I Love It Here” and is known for being The Undercover Millennial in workplaces to learn what makes employees stay for the long run and what drives them out. In this Q&A, he’ll share a glimpse into this topic.

Leadership Lessons: The Most Important Sentence in Leadership

Effective leadership consists of two key components. One of them is the human element – that’s the part where you’re showing and telling the people who work for you that you’re glad they’re there. The other key component of leadership is the mission element.

Business Trend: Business Valuation and Succession Planning

Business valuation and succession planning have taken on more importance as owners consider retirement and consolidation continues. When considering succession, preparation is key. The process of succession planning involves strategizing to replace or pass on leadership.