Reports & Forecasts

Membership gives you exclusive access to real-world benchmarking data and economic forecasting reports. The following Reports and Forecasts are available only to MHEDA members. Not a member? Find out more about the Benefits of MHEDA Membership and Join Today!

Financial Benchmarking     Employee Compensation     Economic Advisory

DSC (Distributor Statistical Comparison) Report

MHEDA’s DSC Report is a financial benchmarking study that annually provides key insights into exactly how the “high-profit firms” generate better profit numbers. It focuses intently on the three profit drivers: growth, gross margin and expenses. The report, available for Industrial Truck, Storage & Handling and Systems Integrators,  provides clear evidence as to how small differences in a few areas translate directly into higher levels of profitability. The DSC Report is a summary of dealer member financial data presented in tables and graphs designed to provide a comprehensive guide for analyzing profitability. Member Cost: $500

Purchase 2024 Report (requires member login)


Compensation Market Analysis Dashboard

MHEDA Members have FREE access to the Employee Compensation Dashboard, compiled by Miller Resource Group through the platform LaborIQ.

The reports outline the ten top job titles amongst MHEDA Members and include talent availability, salary forecast, median salary, and more.

Learn More      Order Now (requires member login)

Employee Compensation & Benefits Reports

The report contains detailed reviews of distributor executive and employee compensation and benefit programs including salaries, bonuses and perks. 

Volume 1 – results compiled directly from MHEDA members comparing compensation levels for employees. This section includes job titles that apply only to MHEDA members.

Volume 2 – titled The Cross Industry Report and compares compensation levels from nearly 2,000 firms in the distribution industry. 

Member Cost: $400 (Results are FREE to members if they participate)

Purchase the report (requires member login)

Economic Advisory Report

MHEDA has partnered with ITR Economics on a new and improved quarterly economic forecast report, Three-Year Forecast: MHEDA’s Custom Economic Advisory. 

This report will help you:
• Learn about coming demand for your products and services;
• Gain insight into overall US economic trends;
• Review dashboard of current and projected growth rates;
• Uncover foresight of the expected growth and contraction in the market;
• Understand Management Objectives™ for strategic use of the information;
• Read quickly – includes a clear overview for the busy professional who may not have time immediately to look through the entire report.

This report will give you expanded tools to help you better plan for the future and offers important information for seven markets applicable to your Material Handling business.

Access to this report is FREE to MHEDA Members – a $25,000 value if you were to purchase this report on your own!

Listen to the MHEDA podcast for 2024 Q2 report below. 

Order and Download the reports (requires member login).


If you have trouble logging in to download or purchase the reports, contact us at 847-680-3500 or email for assistance.