Ecommerce and the Growing Demand for Technicians

By Steve Harrington In the year 2000, speculation in internet technology firms and web based companies became frenzied. People were talking about the incredible rise of the NASDAQ, their foray into day trading and the unique opportunity presented by the “Worldwide Web”. In board rooms across the country retailers and their suppliers were scrambling to […]

On Your Mark. Get Set. LEAD!

By Randy Disharoon Statistics Don’t Lie The vast majority of today’s middle and upper management are Baby Boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964). Over the next 10 to 15 years, most of those positions will be vacated. The next generation to step up to leadership is the X Generation (those born between 1965 and […]

My Hindsight Could Be Your Foresight

By Dr. Elaine Dembe 1. Explore life and live it as an adventure. – Even if you have no one to do it with. Never deny yourself the pleasure of doing something just because you are alone. Do it anyway. Remember the lyrics from the Tragically Hip song “Ahead by a Century ~ “No dress […]

Engaged Employees Make or Break Your Business

By Jason Hewlett Disengaged and uncommitted employees cause more loss of money to business owners than anything else. I’m not talking about non-engaged employees, they at least keep the lights on…I’m talking about disengaged employees that drive business AWAY! Think of the last time you had a GREAT experience at a restaurant, a theme park, […]

The Seven Tools of Highly Effective Sales Organizations

By Joseph C. Ellers Effective sales organizations deploy a series of tools. When I go into companies that are not as effective as they want to be, normally one or more of these tools is either missing or some of the messages are in direct conflict with each other. Let’s take them alphabetically: Budgets. Almost […]