Data-Driven Techniques to Transform your Digital Marketing

By Nick Reid In this rapidly-changing digital age in which we live, it can be a challenge for dealers, OEMs, and distributors to keep up with new marketing techniques in addition to all the other hats they wear. However, savvy business01 managers have made staying up to date a priority. As the capabilities have expanded, […]

Can You Still Compete on Your Value Added?

By Paul Reilly Sales organizations are facing familiar challenges at unprecedented levels. There are top-line pressures impacting your organization’s profitability. These topline pressures include “sameness,” technology, and a culture of cheap. “Sameness” is the commoditization of products and services. “Sameness” is a combination of blending in and a lack of differentiation. Organizations sound, look, and […]

Upside, Profiting from the Profound Demographic Shifts Ahead

By Kenneth W. Gronbach I went to school at California State University at Long Beach. With 35,000 students, it was a great place to remain anonymous. Ironically, I was recruited out of the graduate program by Volkswagen of America, Inc. This was my first real taste of marketing and the automobile business. I loved it, […]

2018 Sales Success Stories: Unique Solutions to Unique Challenges

MHEDA members are known throughout the industry for taking on any challenge, big or small. But what differentiates a MHEDA member from other companies is the willingness and aptitude to tackle the unexpected obstacles. Unique challenges require unique solutions and our members have the experience to bring those solutions to life. Read the 2018 Sales […]

From Charismatic Persuader to Knowledge Broker: The Evolving World of Sales

The impact of accelerated change in the business environments of most companies is undeniable. Disruptive technologies, lower barriers to competitor entry, shifting needs and expectations of customers, macroeconomic conditions and impact of numerous geopolitical events are some of the variables that now require most companies to be in a state of constant evolution. This accelerated […]