Marketing for Material Handling Webinar Series

About the Series

MHEDA is pleased to partner with Site-Seeker to bring you this three-part marketing webinar series where you will learn new marketing insights. Join us for one, two or all three webinars that will guide you through the strategies for website success, how to unveil the potential of AI and learn how to double your marketing impact. Mark your calendar to attend these live sessions, where you will receive an immediate response to your questions so that you can position your brand for success.

May 16 – Mastering EEAT
June 13 – Unleash the Power of AI
June 27 – Double Your Marketing Impact

Registration Information

This is a FREE Webinar Series and is open to all MHEDA Members. Please complete the registration form and register for one, two or all three of these programs. MHEDA will send you participation information for each program. All webinars will take place from 11am – 12pm CT.

Note: These webinars will be recorded so if you can’t participate in the live webinars, the on demand versions will be available.

Webinar One in the Series

    Thursday, May 16

  • 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

    Mastering EEAT: Building Trust & Authority with Content, Testimonials, & Link Building

    On-Demand Recording Now Available


    In today’s competitive online landscape, establishing Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (EEAT) is critical for website success. This webinar will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to:

    • Craft high-quality content that demonstrates your expertise and attracts organic traffic.
    • Leverage testimonials and case studies to build trust and credibility with potential customers.
    • Implement effective link-building techniques to boost your website’s authority and ranking in search results.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Gain a deep understanding of the EEAT concept and its impact on search engine algorithms.
    • Discover practical tips and resources for creating compelling and informative content.
    • Learn how to effectively gather and utilize testimonials and case studies for persuasive marketing.
    • Explore various link-building strategies and tactics to increase your website’s authority and online visibility.
    • Receive a comprehensive roadmap for implementing your learning’s and optimizing your EEAT for long-term success.

    Who Should Attend:

    • Website owners and content creators seeking to improve their SEO and organic ranking.
    • Marketing professionals and digital strategists aiming to build trust and authority in their online presence.
    • Business owners and entrepreneurs looking to convert website visitors into loyal customers.

    About the Speakers:

    Matt Ford, President

    Matt oversees business operations at Site-Seeker, managing and guiding the staff, enhancing the culture, and helping the team appreciate and leverage their unique and collective strengths. Matt’s 25+ years in business have spanned various countries, industries, and ventures. In 2011, Matt joined Site-Seeker full-time after various roles managing sports arenas, stadiums, and professional teams. Throughout his career, Matt has enjoyed the variety of managing his own small businesses and working for larger companies in Hershey, PA, and Rochester, where he oversaw the planning and execution of thousands of live events over a 15-year span.

    Today, Matt leads the team as President and continues to focus on building a healthy organization, enhancing the culture, and growing the business while investing in a team that takes great care of our clients. Matt and his family reside in North Carolina.

    Enny Scharf, Account Manager

    Enny Scharf, is a strategy-driven marketing specialist who’s here to help companies develop and optimize their marketing and communications strategies. Enny brings a unique blend of analytical thinking and creative flair to create inspiring campaigns that truly make a difference.

    Having begun her career in the management consulting industry, Enny has expanded her skills and capabilities through diverse client-based challenges, gaining experience across various industries. She recently completed her master’s degree in Integrated Marketing Communications at Georgetown University, complementing her skill set with valuable analytical and management expertise backed by a B.B.A. degree.


Webinar Two in the Series

    Thursday, June 13

  • 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

    Unleash the Power of AI: Save Time & Boost Sales & Marketing with Personalization and Authority


    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing sales and marketing, offering a wealth of time-saving tools and strategies. This webinar will unveil the potential of AI and empower you to:

    • Discover AI-powered tools to automate repetitive tasks and free up your time for strategic activities.
    • Leverage AI for personalized marketing that resonates with individual customer needs and preferences.
    • Boost your sales team’s effectiveness with AI-powered lead scoring and nurturing tools.
    • Build authority and brand trust by harnessing AI for data-driven insights and targeted content creation.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Gain a clear understanding of AI and its applications in the sales and marketing landscape.
    • Identify specific AI tools and platforms relevant to your business needs.
    • Learn how to implement AI-driven personalization strategies for targeted marketing campaigns.
    • Discover methods to leverage AI for lead scoring, nurturing, and closing more deals.
    • Receive actionable steps to integrate AI into your workflow and achieve measurable results.

    Who Should Attend:

    • Sales and marketing professionals seeking to streamline their processes and boost productivity.
    • Business owners and entrepreneurs looking to personalize their marketing and convert leads into customers.
    • Digital strategists and marketing managers aiming to leverage data insights and build authority in their industry.

    About the Speakers:

    Melinda Aiken, Client Services and Marketing Manager

    Over the past decade, Melinda has managed, designed, and maintained a number of websites and digital marketing projects, joining Site-Seeker in 2013. As Site-Seeker’s client service manager, she is trusted to oversee all of our company’s accounts. She has tremendous follow-through, which makes her perfect for SEO planning, lead nurturing and automation, and email marketing. Melinda has also taken on the role of Site-Seeker’s marketing manager. She is flexible and easy to work with.

    Carl Pfranger, Digital Marketing Strategist

    Carl performs so many different tasks at Site-Seeker that it’s hard to give him a title. That’s why he’s dubbed our “Digital Marketing Strategist.” Carl is everyone’s go-to guy when there is a problem or a big idea that needs a solid plan. Whether it’s hardware, software, client support, or a personal hang-up (how much should I put in my 401k again, Carl?). He will either have the answer or work his hardest to find it.

    Carl earned his degree in technology from SUNY Morrisville and held an IT support position at Hamilton College before joining Site-Seeker in 2008. In addition to maintaining the SSI server and keeping all of our computers working, he’s instrumental in strategic planning and a wizard in Google Analytics.

Webinar Three in the Series

    Thursday, June 27

  • 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

    Double Your Marketing Impact: Personalization in Ads & Emails & Organic Social Media with SEO


    In today’s competitive digital landscape, maximizing the efficiency and impact of your marketing efforts is crucial. This webinar will unveil proven strategies to:

    • Craft personalized ad and email campaigns that resonate with individual customer preferences and increase engagement.
    • Leverage organic social media strategies to reach a wider audience, build brand awareness, and drive traffic to your website.
    • Optimize your social media content for SEO, ensuring your posts reach a larger audience and boost website ranking.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Discover powerful personalization techniques for crafting compelling ad and email campaigns.
    • Learn how to leverage social media platforms for organic reach and engagement.
    • Understand the importance of SEO for social media and how to optimize your content for search engines.
    • Gain practical tips and tools to implement personalized ad campaigns and organic social media strategies.
    • Develop a cohesive marketing plan that maximizes your reach, engagement, and overall impact.

    Who Should Attend:

    • Business owners and marketing professionals aiming to increase the effectiveness of their ad campaigns and email marketing efforts.
    • Social media managers and content creators looking to expand their reach and drive organic traffic.
    • Digital strategists and marketing managers seeking to integrate SEO into their social media strategy.

    About the Speakers:

    Devon Hoffman, Digital Marketing & Sales Specialist

    Devon prides himself on being able to wear a number of hats and support various projects and clients. These projects can range from graphic design, content creation, lead nurturing, online advertising, and marketing plan creation. Devon has his bachelor’s degree in Web Development (from SUNY Cobleskill) and a prior career in the retail, tourism, and event management industry.

    Devon joined Site-Seeker in 2016 as a digital marketing assistant. His creativity has driven his ability to create custom, client-focused content. He now supports a number of facets throughout the company, holding the position of Digital Marketing and Sales Specialist Team Lead. In addition to finding new partners for Site-Seeker to provide services for, he manages his own accounts and offers marketing support to various organizations and associations to which Site-Seeker belongs.

    Allie Liesch, Account Manager

    Allie is a graduate of Hofstra University with a B.B.A. in Marketing. Born and raised in the CNY, she decided to move back to her hometown after college.

    After spending 7+ years in the industry, she joined Site-Seeker in January 2020. Always looking for a new approach to marketing, she’s excited to be part of the Site-Seeker team and values the amount of expertise and teamwork we bring to our clients.

    As a digital marketing specialist, Allie brings skills in pay-per-click advertising, SEO, and social media marketing. Being local, Allie enjoys being in the office with her fellow co-workers and assisting where needed, whether that’s to help move furniture or develop a new campaign to A/B test. In addition, Allie also assists Site-Seeker’s internal marketing team with shows, strategies, and campaigns and manages a few accounts.