ChatGPT: A How-To Session for Distributors to Use it Today

Artificial Intelligence has been developing over decades and has exploded recently with the release of ChatGPT. This webinar, presented by Mike Marks, will show how distributors are actually using it TODAY, along with a few hacks to help you get valuable results right now.

This how-to session will include live examples that cover the three components to a prompt, how to decide between zero-shot and few-shot prompts, and how to iterate a conversation. The live examples will use general typical topics as well as queries submitted by participants in advance of the session. Participants can submit their requested queries to

The material Mike will share is from a Chat GPT prompt class he does for a university, but specifically tailored for wholesale distributors. Participants will receive copies of all the presentation materials and a list of research link so everyone can follow their own additional research. The field will have a large impact on this industry going forward and these GPTs are only a small part of the emerging technology.


Member fee: FREE

This webinar is presented by the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW). MHEDA members can register for the session directly through NAW.

About the Speaker

Mike Marks is one of our Research Fellows with the Institute of Distribution Excellence and he is also the Founding Partner of the Indian River Consulting Group. What many don’t know is that Mike has been involved with AI since 1989, first working with LISP and Texas Instruments, then Prolog development with Borland, and he has had a strong interest in the field following General Magic Agents and GPTs, the Generative Pre-trained Transformers for years.