Attracting and Retaining Hourly Employees

Hourly employees think differently about their jobs than salaried employees, period. I assumed that most people thought about their jobs the same way that I thought about my job. I was wrong.

Turn Uncertainty to Your Competitive Advantage

If the last few years have taught us nothing else, they have taught us that our lives, our businesses, our health – things can change in a moment's notice. And every year, the pace of change seems to get faster, the challenges seem to get bigger and the marketplace becomes even more uncertain.

Members Give Back: Steel King

Each year, industrial racking supplier and manufacturer Steel King and local partners – technical colleges and manufacturers, including Mid-State Technical College in Wisconsin Rapids – invite students to see the behind-the-scenes of manufacturing processes such as welding, fabricating, engineering and more.

Inclusivity Is More Than Just a Word

Inclusion is often just a word used in businesses with little meaning. It is either a box companies check or a buzzword they use for recruiting. But what does it mean to practice inclusivity and make a conscious effort to have a diverse workforce? It all starts with a discussion.

Emerging Leader: Gina Carman of Lift Power

Being a young professional in the industry, she brings a fresh perspective, excitement and new ideas, which are invaluable to her team. Carman says one of the most significant advantages of being a part of the newer generation in the industry is that they are adaptable.